Saturday, December 27, 2008
Merry Christmas
Sunday, December 7, 2008
Rendezvous of three generations
Monday, December 1, 2008
MANAGEites all the way!!!!!!!!
Dear friends,
It is said that history repeats itself and to create it one cannot forget it! Keeping in mind that seniors had won accolades for their excellent performance in TRISHNA 07,UDAAN08 and many more, MANAGEites 08 entered TRISHNA 08 having onus on them.
And what did they do? Well, history repeated itself and this time it created a history winning prizes almost in every event! But as a senior Olympiad has put it ‘Glory lies not in winning but in taking part’. Over half of MANAGEites 08 had enthusiastically participated making a ripple in business world about MANAGE, Hyderabad!
Kudos team!!!!!!1st prize in KOPS to Manish and Anurag
1st prize in Ad-Dict to Pradeep and Pushpendra
2nd prize in Ad-Dict to Avinash and Ankan
2nd prize in Wordsworth to Rahul, Gunanand and Moushmi
3rd prize in Questitude to Amit, Anupa and Chaitra
3rd prize in Desh-Videsh to Atul, Brajesh, Avinash, Prakash and Ashish
1st position in Airocrash to Moushmi
2nd position in Airocrash to Rahul
The performance was overwhelming in all respects and the guys managed to sweep a whooping prize money of 70 K.
KUDOS to MANAGEites.............
MANAGE Ka hai Dhoom Dhadaka..................
Friday, November 28, 2008
The Manage Musketeers

Tuesday, November 25, 2008
MANAGEites rock in VoGuE
Monday, November 17, 2008
Alumni meet
Dear All,
The Reminiscence- 09 of Delhi Chapter was a great success and I hereby congratulate the present 1st and 2nd year batches for successfully taking and executing the initiative for Alumni meets at local levels as a precurssor for the Grand Reunion at Hyderabad in 2009.
Great effort by one and ALL.
Hope the efforts for a common platform for the alumni to interact through a formal website brings fruit.
Cheers to MANAGE!!!
"Wait for photos on this blog"
Sunday, November 16, 2008
Friday, November 7, 2008
-Sam Walton
Dear friends,
It has been a long time interacting on this blog. Has the heat put us down?
Just read the news report on Summer placements at IIM-K and JBIMS, and found no reversal as was expected. Sure people might have had to work harder to achieve that than the previous year.
Indian economy with all downsides taken into account will grow at 7-7.5% this year. We should be able to see some credit expansion in next few weeks. Activity and business subdued as it was will resume.
Moreover short term stock market performance is not the indicator of countries economy. Stock market represent less than 2% of national assets of India. And thankfully many Indians till today do not invest in stocks so they have not suffered huge wealth erosion. We need to bring these people into investment and consumption cycle in a bigger way. Domestic consumption of Indians is not going to be affected in a big way. This was appended by CEO of HUL recently for FMCG sector.
Agriculture credit may shrink a bit but last years investments is already bringing results with bumper production this year, which means more money in the hands of the farmer. Agri-input sector therefore by and large will do well. Banks cannot be written off either for we have seen good performance by PSBs and HDFC bank. We will have some slow down in retail, because even in the boom companies were not making money because of higher costs, now it is going to be even more tougher for them. Food processing is going to remain strong.
The whole crux of this small piece was that if its not rosy now doesn't mean its gloomy either.
We should think factually rather than based on sentiments.
Monday, October 20, 2008
Dictatorial Style
The leader or manager using this style operates like a dictator. He or she makes all the decisions about what, where, when, why, how things are done, and who will do them. Employees failing to following directions are usually severly disciplined or given cause for “early retirement” (as recently happened to a friend of mine).
The dictatorial leader traits are: all decision-making power is theirs, unrealistic in demands, uses excessive discipline and punishment, does not allow others to question decisions or authority
A more passive style of this is: all decision-making power is theirs, unrealistic demands clouded in humor, subtle forms of discipline and punishment, allows questions about decisions (on the surface) but ignores them, pretends to be your friend only to get their way.
Do you find someone like this around you?
Thursday, October 9, 2008
Everything right on the "DANDIA NITE"
Jai bolo sherowaali ki...!!It was colourful, exuberant and bright.MANAGE again rocked on the "Dandia Nite". The Goddess was given the offerings and later the dance floor was set on fire with the rattling sound of dandia all over and all throught the night.There were refreshments like paanipuri ("Outsourced...!!"), sweets and sharbat that kept the "Dandiars..!!!" energetic through out.
Monday, October 6, 2008
Sober up
Mon, Sep 29 01:40 AM
If you are young, have a hectic social life where you drink and party every night, and have applied for a job, chances are you will lose out to someone who is a teetotaler. Yes, you heard right.
A random survey of 375 CEOs in the medium and large-scale private sector industries by ASSOCHAM threw up some startling facts. Almost 55 per cent of the CEOs interviewed said they would choose teetotalers over people who drink.
Why teetotalers? Whether hiring at entry level or mid level, the choice of recruiters has undergone a seachange. In fact, of the 375 CEOs, 206 said that they would recruit only those young boys and girls who observe total abstinence from alcohol.
The common perception among the CEOs questioned is that teetotalers are more productive, efficient and competent. They stick to deadlines and are good at time management.
Harsh Saxena*, operations head of an event management company in Okhla, which implemented the total abstinence rule six months ago, says, "The results are fabulous. Both efficiency and time management have improved".
Says Sunil Arora*, director of an advertising agency in south Delhi, "Given a choice, I'd any day have a battalion of young people, but they shouldn't be the regular drunkard types." All for the better Debunking the myth that "creative types need to be two pegs down to think up marvelous concepts", Devan Khattar*, art director in a Noida-based ad agency says, "My team members are workaholics and not drinkaholics.
" Sajjan Jindal, chairperson for JSW Steel, says, "I've been following the new policy for some time - teetotalers are ambitious, highly productive and specific about their target." While some of the companies surveyed have already made a change in recruitment policies, other HR departments are keen to make 'no drinking' a cast-iron rule.
And if an employee is found to be downing a peg too many? The decision to fire such employees will in all probability come much later, says Koteshwar Prasad Dobhal, director PR, ASSOCHAM. ASSOCHAM secretary general Dr DS Rawat says, "As far as entry-level recruitment is concerned, lifestyle habits are influencing decision-making." And the teetotalers are winning.
Hindustan Times.
Sunday, September 14, 2008
1st place in B plan contest - Sourav Nayak, Sujit Kumar Sarkar and Girish Chhimwal
2nd place in Marketing plan contest - Prashant Kumar Jha and Manisha Mishra
2nd place in Paper presentation - Bedanga Bordoloi and Etali Sarmah
Kudos....!!!! to all the winners and hope to continue the winning run.
Monday, September 8, 2008
Thursday, August 28, 2008
Biodiversity at MANAGE
Wednesday, August 27, 2008
Sunday, August 24, 2008
Saturday, August 23, 2008
ABM 1 organizes “AABHAAR”!
Rest next time.
Monday, August 18, 2008
Life is like a rose
Life is a melodrama, full of experiences and rollercoaster rides.
Let’s pacify the mood and send an expression of our emotion to our loved ones.
Start with me............
Rose is for Friendship
Rose is for Love
Rose is for Money
Rose is for Happiness
Rose is for Popularity
Rose is for Knowledge
Rose is for Cuteness
Rose is for Family
Rose is for Honesty
Rose is for Long Life
"Kuch karo ya na karo roz ek rose sab ke saath jaroor share kiya karo."
This is for now will come up with some more later.....
Sunday, August 17, 2008
Adaptation - The Junior's perspective
Saturday, August 16, 2008
Friday, August 15, 2008
manage rocks on the I day
guys manage rocked on the independence day sports meet with the nird students.
i hope this continues in all walks of the academics too. keep rocking and stay fine