Monday, June 15, 2009


The entire PGPABM family of Mumbai got together on one of the most nostalgic evenings for the Mumbai chapter of "REMINISCENCE 09" on Saturday...
Meeting old friends.... Reliving old moments... Refreshing memories.....
Alumni from all the batches right from the first to the last were present.....
We are one step closer to bringing together all of our family to our home!!!


shashank said...

I am really feeling very happy the way batch 08-10 has taken forward the initiation taken by 07-09.....keep up the good work .congratulations to all the students of 08-10 batch and especially to those who were directly involved in this meet. You will surely get the results for such can do these meets at others chapters.

PRASHANT said...

hmmm! This blog is alive. This 08-10 is showing promise.
I was first of all surprised to c vibrant manage resurface.
I have forgotten my login password but cd reach thru the link.
Good to c all the good work taking real shape.
All the best.

Girish Chhimwal said...

It's really great too see the 2008 -10 batch getting actively on to the task.
Reminiscence 09 seems to be a grt event evident from the pics.

Well done guys... Keep up the efforts.

Santosh Kumar Dash said...

Rightly sad by Mr Jha out of two blog this blog is lively because of the superb step from the junior batch before entering into second year. I can challenge u guys for the talent produced by MANAGE, always be in contact with ur alumini.


roli pande said...

Great Going Guys... Keep up the good work ...

But we r also waiting for Delhi's turn to cum.. :-)

manisha mishra said...
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manisha mishra said...

Kudos to Batch 08-10 for fulfilling their promises. Well done!!! Sorry for being unable to come due to earlier schedules. But , it was really nice to see that there was above average presence of the alumni.Be connected always. And special thanks to the people who were actively invilved in this great gathering. Thanks and Best Of Luck...

Adarsh said...

job well done..keep it up

Vinay said...

a good initiative being taken orwar in a strong way...... kudos to 08-10 batch

Sauraraj Nath said...

It was indeed great to be the part of Reminiscence 09 at Mumbai.On behalf of Team 06-08 I thank Manish and his team for organising the same.Continue the good work.